A spokesperson for The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) said:
“Like most organisations in this economic climate, be they public or private, ANSTO is seeking to make savings and find efficiencies,” said the spokesperson
“For our part, ANSTO will make these savings while maintaining the highest safety, security and scientific services at all times.
“ANSTO’s ongoing safe, secure and effective operation, including our critical role of mass producing and distributing nuclear medicine, is absolutely assured.
“ANSTO has, on more than one occasion, won international awards and recognition for its best practice safety and security.”
Regarding the Site Operations Safety Supervisors, the spokesperson said:
“Six ANSTO Site Operations Safety Supervisors were recently advised they are in positions that may be surplus to requirements, and we are working with them on options including redeployment or retraining.
“Any staff from a specialist replacement contractor would receive, as appropriate, the same training that ANSTO staff who work in specified operational areas, receive.
Regarding the Australian Federal Police functions, the spokesperson said:
“Security arrangements at ANSTO will always be second to none, in line with our regulatory requirements, international best practice and community expectations.
“ANSTO has, and will continue to have, a 24-hour, armed AFP response force on site who are able to undertake appropriate duties as required.