Published on the 25th August 2022 by ANSTO Staff
ANSTO has published a Research Infrastructure Decadal Plan 2022 – 2032, setting out a newroadmap for the future development of its sovereign infrastructure, capabilities and expertise.
The Decadal Plan provides a ten-year outlook for ANSTO to sustain the excellence of its capabilities with a strategic framework and roadmap for future growth that benefits the nation and responds to domestic and global challenges and technology drivers in Australia both now and in the future.
“This Decadal Planoutlines key initiatives that will enable ANSTO to achieve objectives and priorities based on mission, research and business needs, as well addressing those of the Australian research community, industry, and government,” said Dr Miles Apperley, Group Executive, Nuclear Safety Security and Stewardship.
This blueprint for six priority areas will guide process improvements, resource prioritisation, and investment choices for the coming years.
The Plan provides a strategic context for ANSTO to plan the development of priority infrastructure and achieve sustainable funding.
“Aligned with the Commonwealth Government’s 2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap, the plan will guide thedevelopment of research infrastructure to enablenational prosperity and growth by supporting excellent science and innovation outcomes with impact that benefits Australia,” said Dr Apperley
“It will further strengthen ANSTO’s and Australia’s agility and responsiveness to future changes in the global research landscape.
The Plan supports ANSTO mandate to provide expert and technical advice to Government on all matters relating to nuclear science, technology, and engineering.

“Implementation of the key initiatives will be incorporated into future Nuclear Science and Technology strategic plans.” Said Prof. Andrew Peele, Group Executive Nuclear Science and Technology.
“By looking ahead and understanding priorities we can plan investment, strengthen partnerships, be prepared for opportunities to achieve predictable and sustainable funding and ensure we remain focussed on delivering an excellent User Experience,” said Prof Peele.
A 10-year timeline sets out an implementation and review milestones.
The plan was developed following extensive internal and external consultation.