Published on the 16th August 2016 by ANSTO Staff
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is calling on students in their second last year of chemical engineering, industrial chemistry or chemistry degrees to apply for paid internships.
The Year in Industry Internship Program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to gain invaluable experience in their chosen field, working under a supervisor and developing important workplace skills.

ANSTO Minerals, a commercial consulting arm of ANSTO, is currently seeking applications for multiple positions available to work within Metallurgical Process Development.
“The Year in Industry Program is a great chance to apply the theory learnt at university to skills within the workplace,” said Adrian Manis, Manager, Pilot Plant Operations of ANSTO Minerals.
“We are looking for students who have experience in a university or industry lab and who have a full year of study remaining, to complete a work placement in our team at ANSTO.”
The positions available will involve bench and pilot scale process development test work, in line with ANSTO Minerals core offering for clients.
ANSTO Minerals has world-leading expertise in rare earth processing, working with mining companies in Australia and around the world to address and correct key challenges to efficiency and effectiveness.
The types of activities Year in Industry interns would participate in include equipment design, set-up and operation, sampling, chemical analysis, design assessment and preliminary reporting.
“We are looking for students with a positive attitude and excellent interpersonal skills who have an interest in working in a hands-on research and development environment,” said Mr Manis.
“This is an opportunity to work full-time, gaining real work experience in an organisation that offers diverse opportunities.”
Applications close on 30 August 2016. For information about ANSTO and how to apply go to: www.ansto.gov.au. For further technical information, please call Adrian Manis on 02 9717 9214.