FINAL UPDATE 23 February 2024
The Australian Synchrotron has resumed operations following the restart of the main accelerator on 17 February.
Following some minor electrical issues related to the power failures associated with the storm, all beamlines are now back online.
Experiment users were able to return to instruments on 20 February.
“We would like to extend our thanks to the community for their patience and support – especially when the impacts of the storm were so widespread across the broader area. We are also grateful to the very large number of staff and contractors who swung into action to help mitigate the impacts and repair the damage that arose from the storm,” said Director Prof Michael James.
Any impacted experiments are being rescheduled. Users who were affected should contact the Australian Synchrotron User Office directly.
UPDATE 16 February 2024
The severe storm on 13 February caused flooding to the main Synchrotron Building and damage to trees around the site but there does not appear to be any major or structural damage to the building.
However, all remaining Synchrotron User experiments for this week through Monday 19/2 at 8:00 AM have been formally cancelled. The Synchrotron User Office has communicated this with those impacted experiment user groups. Impacted experiments are in the process of being rescheduled.
The Synchrotron management team and User Office thank users for their understanding and patience as the recovery proceeds.
Repairs and recovery have gone well, and it is anticipated that User operations will commence as normal next Tuesday (20 February) pending repair and certification of safety and other systems.
Experiment users with beamtime starting on Tuesday 20 February can expect business as usual.
The Guesthouse will be open over the weekend as normal to receive interstate and international users with pre-arranged bookings.
UPDATE: 14 February 2023
As reported, an intense, fast-moving storm in Melbourne at about 3:30pm yesterday has caused water damage to the main Australian Synchrotron building and other areas on site.
Experiment users were asked to make safe any experimental equipment and move over to the guesthouse, or head home.
Since that time, the Clayton User Office have been sending out further update to users with scheduled beamtime to advise that the Synchrotron will not be returning to user operations today or tomorrow (15th of February).
Further updates will continue to be provided.
13 February 2024
An intense, fast-moving storm in Melbourne at about 3:30pm this afternoon has caused water damage to the main Australian Synchrotron building and other areas on site.
Experiment users have been asked to make safe any experimental equipment and move over to the guesthouse, or head home.
The Clayton User Office will be sending further update emails tomorrow to users with scheduled beamtime.
Further updates will be provided here.