Published on the 27th February 2020 by ANSTO Staff
The Australian Synchrotron welcomed Nashat Sawai, a senior electronics engineer from the Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) in Jordan this week, following the donation of instrumentation to the sister facility.

(Left to right) Prof Andrew Peele, Nashat Sawai from SESAME in Jordan and Eugene Tan
Prof Andrew Peele said he was pleased that SESAME could use the digital processing electronics, which were retired following an instrumentation upgrade at Clayton a few years ago.
“The mutual exchange of knowledge between synchrotron facilities and increasing the sustainability of technology are important outcomes,” said Peele.
“The establishment of the facility is a significant advancement that brings together the countries of the Middle East through scientific endeavour,” said Peele.
The donated instrumentation will enable SESAME to build and install a type of feedback system on their storage ring that will improve the quality of synchrotron light.
The instrumentation improves the stability of the beam in the way that noise cancelling improves sound on headphones.
The visit was managed at the Synchrotron by senior accelerator physicist Eugene Tan, accelerator instrumentation scientist Mark Atkinson, and Manager of Accelerator Physics and Operations Group Rohan Dowd.
In addition to some hands-on training, Sawai was able to share information about SESAME’s use of a new radiofrequency amplifier system based on semiconductor technology that the Australian Synchrotron is interested in using.
“The new amplifier increases operational reliability as downtime on the amplifier system results in lost time for users,” said Sawai.
SESAME, a 3rd generation synchrotron that opened for users in 2017, is accepting proposals for its three operational beamlines from users in the Middle East and neighbouring countries. It is the first synchrotron research centre in the Middle East.
Sawai said the instrumentation was expected to arrive in Jordan within two months and work would commence on its installation as soon as possible.
“We would welcome a visit from our colleagues at the Australian Synchrotron any time, said Suwai who was returning to Jordan this week.