The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) is to receive funding through the Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship program under the National Innovation and Science Agenda.
AINSE will use this funding to invite a female student from each of its 35 Australian university members to attend a school at ANSTO, Lucas Heights.
The school will target first-year University students, emphasising women in STEM, and promote a range of exciting career opportunities in nuclear science and engineering.
The students will have the opportunity to experience first-hand some of the research undertaken with the extensive infrastructure at ANSTO and see the leadership roles that women are currently undertaking in some of these fields.
As part of this school, AINSE will invite leading women in STEM to provide tours, workshops, talks and panel sessions to help inspire women to consider senior leadership roles in STEM.
Mentors will also be arranged to provide a more long-term support network for the students to access as they make key career-defining decisions throughout their undergraduate degrees.
‘The team at AINSE are delighted by this opportunity and looks forward to encouraging women in STEM to pursue leadership roles in the future. By making connections with students early in their undergraduate degrees we will highlight the amazing opportunities that are available to women in nuclear science and engineering,” said Michelle Durant, AINSE Managing Director.
Read the Minister's media announcement about the funding.
Review the list of funded projects