The first refereed research paper with data taken on our DINGO radiography/tomography/imaging station has been published in Physical Review E.
The collaborative work, between University of Newcastle, the European Spallation Source and ANSTO, results from commissioning experiments on DINGO, along with data from our KOWARI strain scanner.
It features a measurement of the full triaxial stress state within a granular assembly in a die, and is the first direct observation of "force chains" within a granular material.
The full reference is "Force chains in monodisperse spherical particle assemblies: Three-dimensional measurements using neutrons", C. M. Wensrich, E. H. Kisi, V. Luzin, U. Garbe, O. Kirstein, A. L. Smith and J. F. Zhang, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042203 (2014).