Helen Maynard-Casely has been awarded a prestigious Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship, to be hosted for 3 months by the Geochemical Research Centre within the Graduate School for Sciences at University of Tokyo, in Japan.
In November, Helen Maynard-Casely will commence a three-month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship hosted by the Geochemical Research Centre within the Graduate School for Sciences at University of Tokyo. There she will be working with Associate Professor Komatsu, on a project entitled ‘High-pressure mineralogy of sulfate hydrates under the conditions of the icy Galilean moons.’
During this project she will be extending her work on sulfuric acid hydrates, to probing the stability of these materials under high-pressure conditions. For this she will be using the unique facilities within Ass/Prof Komastu's laboratory as well as the PLANET beamline at the J-PARC Spallation Source.