COVIDSafe Plan Victoria
This page was last updated in November 2021.
This COVIDSafe Plan describes the actions that ANSTO will take to keep our staff, contractors and visitors safe and minimise the risk of the spread of COVID-19 infection.
This COVIDSafe Plan applies to ANSTO’s Victorian campus at 800 Blackburn Road, Clayton.
This plan is consistent with the Victorian government’s COVIDSafe Plan template and covers all mandated content.
This document must be read in conjunction with the latest Australian Government and relevant stategovernmentadvice.
Additional detail is available in the ANSTO Work Health & Safety Management System > OccupationalHealthManagement.
The risk of COVID-19 infections in Australia have been minimised through vaccination, community lock downs, isolation protocols and contact tracing, but it has not been eradicated. It will be important to continue operations in a COVIDSafe manner. ANSTO takes a risk-based approach that uses the hierarchy of control and concurrent layers of control to minimise the risk to workers and others on our Campuses.
ANSTO has implemented a COVIDSafe Working Group with Executive engagement to monitor the Government advice, community issues and the response actions to be taken by ANSTO. This Working Group is supported by ANSTO Subject Matter Experts and support functions.
Local teams may wish to review their particular operations and implement additional controls for minimising the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19 or update their Business Resilience Plans.
Wellbeing of People
ANSTO Actions
- All people coming on site (staff, contractors, users and visitors) must comply with ANSTO’s COVID policies and procedures.
- Persons that are unwell must not attend Campus
- All workers that are unwell or experiencing cold and flu/ COVID symptoms are to stay at home and seek a COVID test/ medical advice.
- Persons that have been tested for COVID or are experiencing symptoms must lodge a report via the ANSTOCOVID online reportingtool
- Visitors and contractors are permitted to attend Campus.
- Domestic staff travel is permitted, following a review of destination COVID status (travelrestrictions and requirements) and any state border restrictions. All staff travelling must abide by airport and airline COVIDSafe protocols.
- COVID-19 Risk Management Course is available in the ANSTO Learning Management System. This includes training on the correct use of face masks.
- Provide additional detailed COVID-19 information for staff via theANSTO Intranet andANSTOWorkHealth&SafetyManagementSystem
- ANSTOEmployeeAssistance/ Manager Assist Program is available for staff and immediate family
- Use of swipe in/ sign in/ QR Codes in the building reception areas.
- Signage in place across Campuses
- Campus response arrangements, based on risk assessments, have been detailed in theOccupational Health Managementsection of the ANSTO Work Health and Safety Management System. ANSTO will also follow advice provided by the relevant State Authorities in response to a positive COVID-19 infection.
Physical Distancing
ANSTO Actions
- ANSTO Clayton campus is back to onsite working arrangements
- Where individuals have recognised an ongoing benefit to working from home arrangements the normal processes should be implemented as per AG-3193 Flexible Working Arrangements andAP-1985Working fromHome.
- ANSTO will provide digital dial in options for meetings
- Face to Face training has resumed. ANSTO LMS E-Learns remain available.
- Social distancing is recommended, where practical.
- Where it has been implemented, continue to offer mail-in-sample services.
Hygiene and Cleaning
ANSTO Actions
- All persons are to observe personal cough and sneeze etiquette, handwashing/ sanitising
- Signage andpostersregarding handwashing and cough etiquette
- Increase the frequency of cleaning. Additional disinfection of surfaces, particularly high-touch surfaces.
- ANSTO provides hand & hygiene sanitiser stations at building entries and other key locations
- Provide additional cleaning materials in common use areas such as meeting rooms, utilities rooms, kitchen/ tea rooms
- Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels
- Stores provisions of additional COVID-19 supplies: hand sanitiser, face masks, gloves, tissues, surface wipes and other cleaning supplies
- Face masks are to be worn in accordance with Victorian government requirements.
- Air flow in buildings has been optimised
Administrative Controls
ANSTO Actions
- The ANSTO COVID-19 online self-reporting tool
- Internal ANSTO Intranet – COVID-19 pages
- ANSTO WebsiteCOVID-19Updates
- ANSTO Work Health and Safety Management System
- Risk assessment and consultation
- Regular review and, if necessary, revision of risk assessments/ action plans.
- Security swipe access to contact trace movements of workers if confirmed COVID-19 case
- Recording of visitors/ Emergency Pass contractors via sign-in sheets at Reception.
- ANSTO supports the use of the Australian Government COVIDSafe app for all staff and visitors
- Incident reporting and notification to Comcare, the Victorian Department of Health and WorkSafe Victoria if required
- Our business has conducted and documented scenarios for emergency response and business recovery in case of a COVID outbreak on site.
Triggers for Review of this Plan
- A local hotspot as declared by State Health Authorities that may impact ANSTO campuses or activities
- A change in the state or federal Public Health Order(s)
- An instance of a positive COVID result for persons associated with ANSTO (worker/ contractor/ user/ visitor)
Record Keeping
For contact tracing purposes, ANSTO Victoria maintains the following records:
- Door access records for all staff and contractors with ANSTO security cards
- CCTV camera footage archives of multiple locations across site
- Visitor and Contractor sign-in sheets at Reception
- QR codes are posted in the building reception areas and in the cafeteria
- World Health Organisation – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Australian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Smarttraveller
- NSW Government Department of Health COVID-19
- Victorian Department of Health and Human Affairs - Coronavirus
- Safe Work Australia Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for employers
- Australian Government. 2020. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - Coronavirus(COVID-19): Understandingyourprivacyobligationstoyourstaff