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ANSTO Publications Online (APO)

ANSTO Library

ANSTO Publications Online is a digital repository for publications authored by ANSTO staff and collaborators since 1956.

Public Interest Disclosure Scheme

Public Interest Disclosure Scheme

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 aims to promote integrity and accountability in the Australian Public Sector by encouraging the disclosure of information about actual or suspected wrongdoing, protecting people who make disclosures and ensuring that disclosures are properly investigated and dealt with.

Animal care and ethics

Animal care and ethics

ANSTO as a leading science research organization in Australia is committed to the ethical, humane and responsible care of animals used for scientific purposes.

After your experiment

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the ANSTO Security Process, travel funding, ANSTO Research Portal and ACNS Customer Portal.

New technique to improve global climate models

An investigation that set out to resolve some of the uncertainty in the sources and quantities of pollutants reaching Antarctica has produced a new experimental technique to identify and characterise recently terrestrially-influenced air reaching Antarctica.

Merit Access Terms and Conditions

Merit Access Terms and Conditions

By submitting a proposal for Merit Access to ANSTO’s Biosciences, Centre for Accelerator Science, Isotope Tracing, Nuclear Stewardship or the Vivarium capabilities, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to external merit researchers, scientific collaborators and partners unless there is a specific agreement in place between ANSTO and the home institution of the Principal Investigator.

Statement from ANSTO - Update

Three ANSTO staff members were involved in a chemical spill this morning when approx 250mL of sodium hydroxide was released from a pipe.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Low Level Waste

Managing waste

ANSTO has safely managed its radioactive waste for over 60 years. Waste is managed in accordance with national and international standards.
