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ANSTO Senior Officer and Executive Training Course

Thank you for registering to attend the ANSTO Senior Officer and Executive Training Course.  

The program is designed to support building Australia’s nuclear literacy through developing a broader understanding of Australia’s obligations and requirements across the complex nuclear environment.    

The course is for small groups of participants at EL2& SES levels across Govt. including Defence and will feature presentations from senior representatives of nuclear agencies including ANSTO, ASNO, ARPANSA and ARWA.  

Supporting Resources

IAEA Safety System Know the IAEA Safety Standards | IAEA 
IAEA Safety Standards E-Learning OPEN-LMS: All courses ( 
Fundamental Safety Principles Fundamental Safety Principles | IAEA 
Leadership and management for Safety GSR Part 2 Leadership and Management for Safety | IAEA 
Management System for Facilities and Activities GS-R-3 The Management System for Facilities and Activities | IAEA 
Application of the Management system for facilities and activities Application of the Management System for Facilities and Activities | IAEA 
IAEA Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards GSR Part 3 Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards | IAEA 
Key Practical Issues in Strengthening Safety Culture – INSAG 15 INSAG-15.pdf ( 
Managing Change in the Nuclear Industry – INSAG 18 STI/PUB/1173 ( 
NRC Regulatory Guides (NUREG) Regulatory Guides (by Division) | 
UK ONR Safety Assessment Principles Safety Assessment Principles for nuclear facilities ( 
UK ONR Technical Assessment Guides Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Permissioning inspection - Technical assessment guides 
UK Safety Directors Forum: Nuclear Baseline and the management of organisational change AC/LC36 WORKING GROUP - NUCLEAR INDUSTRY CODE OF PRACTICE (NICoP) (