Role at ANSTO
Debashish leads the Food Provenance and Aquatic Ecosystems projects at ANSTO. Hee uses highly-sensitive nuclear analytical techniques including isotopic (stable C, N, S isotopes and carbon 14 isotope) analysis, X-ray fluorescence scanning through ITRAX and Ion-Beam, Neutron Activation Analysis to advance food traceability and aquatic ecosystems research to provide solutions to Australian industries and benefit the environment.
The aim of his food provenance research is to provide industries with accurate tools to mitigate food fraud and stop illegal trade of animals through authenticating the source of origin of food and other natural resources to ensure food safety and transparency in the supply chains.
His aquatic ecosystems research offers insights to determine complex food web structure and anthropogenic impacts affecting the functionality of aquatic ecosystems. His research on aquaculture focused on reducing feed costs, determining accurate nutritional requirements of captive animals, and minimising waste production for sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry. He has been collaborating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Universities, Government organisations and Industries on food provenance, aquaculture and ecological projects in Australia and the Asia-Pacific.
Provenance of seafood, native bushfood and commercially valuable natural resources to combatfraudulent activity in the supply chain, stable isotopes ecology; trophic linkages; food web analysis; assessing anthropogenic and environmental impacts on aquatic ecosystems; blue carbon sequestrations by wetlands and fish; groundwater and surface water food web; determine feed and nutritional requirements of fish in aquaculture; minimising waste production for sustainable aquaculture
Qualifications & Achievements
Debashish has Over 90 publications including Nature. His Citation impact: H-index = 21; i10-index = 52 (using ‘Google scholar’)
- PhD (Saltmarsh and mangrove wetlands ecology), Australian Catholic University (ACU National)-2004
- MSc in Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom-1998
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow, ANSTO, 2004-2007
- Sydney Fish Market Seafood Excellence Awards 2022 from the Australian Seafood Industry for the development of Novel Seafood Provenance Technology
- Eureka Prize from the NSW Environment, Energy and Science (DPIE) for Environmental Research-the Blue Carbon Horizons- 2019
- Recipient of John Holliday Conservation Award from Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) NSW, Australia for research contribution to the conservation of fisheries habitat in NSW-2002
- Wilcox Award, Outstanding Associate Editor contribution to Wetlands (Springer International Journal)-2017
- Environment Theme rewards and Recognition, ANSTO-2017, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Honorary Principal Fellow with the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong, 2019-present
- Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UNSW, 2017-present
- Honorary Fellow, Department of Environmental Science, Macquarie University, Australia, 2015-present
- Associate Editor: Wetlands (Springer International Journal)
Committee Memberships and Affiliations
- Member: Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)
- Member World Aquaculture Society
Nuclear science recognised with NSW seafood industry award
Seafood scanner to combat misleading labelling
ABC Radio interview with Dr Debashish Mazumder on seafood provenance research at ANSTO
Portable XRF technology viable approach for seafood provenance
ANSTO helps verify origin of traditional Aboriginal products
Research highlights importance of Murray darling basin for Australia
Eureka research team wins major environmental award
Science meets Business:Seafood provenance
Using ocean water to understand feeding habits of Humpback Whales
Improving aquaculture in Papua New Guinea
PNG Fisheries expresses great satisfaction progress of aquaculture initiative
A lift for fish at Tallowa dam: Study on Dietary impacts
A fish lift saves natiev species
Does size matter for tilapia?