Showing 1 - 20 of 332 results
COVID-19 Global NASA hackathon win
ANSTO-nandin innovation hub win global hackathon challenge from NASA with COVID19 solution.
Dating Aboriginal rock art using mud wasp nests
Radiocarbon dating of mud wasp nests was used as an indirect method of dating the Gwion Gwion style.
ASP databases
Datasets from the Aerosol Sampling Program.
Australian planetary scientists congratulate NASA after Juno enters Jupiter's orbit
Transistors and NASA's radiation paradox: strength in detection, weakness in space operations
The nature of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) present a fascinating paradox in space exploration. Their strength in radiation detection becomes their weakness in space operations, exposing an Achilles' heel for NASA. Yet, these same devices monitor radiation doses received by humans on earth and in space.
NSW grants support infrastructure capabilities
NSW grants bolster additive manufacturing and groundwater processing capabilities.
ANSTO Innovation Precinct briefing for NSW Parliament
ANSTO shared plans for an Innovation Precinct in southern Sydney at a breakfast event.
NSW Government recognises ANSTO for Dharawal support
ANSTO has been awarded a Community Recognition Statement from the NSW State Parliament for hosting an event to launch a new Dharawal language learning resource for preschool and primary-aged students.
Reports of vehicle crash near Gloucester NSW
Shorebirds links to NSW and Victorian curricula
Shorebirds links to NSW and Victorian curricula.
NSW RFS Hazard Reduction Burn at ANSTO
Nuclear science recognised with NSW seafood industry award
Beamtime guide - Imaging and Medical
Information has been provided to assist with the preparation of experiment proposals and beamtime.
Determining the extent of soil erosion on a NSW vineyard
Nuclear research and medicine in spotlight at NSW Parliament event
ANSTO contributes to state-wide survey of groundwater resources in NSW
ANSTO groundwater experts have collaborated with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on a comprehensive survey of groundwater resources in the state.
NSW report on health effects of bushfires and drought references greater role for ANSTO
The health impacts of exposure to poor levels of air quality resulting from bushfires and drought recommended that NSW Government work with ANSTO to expand the sampling of particulate matter in the air state-wide.
Detailed isotopic profile of groundwater in NSW can inform management of this essential resource
With world-class experts in groundwater and major contributions in this area over two decades, ANSTO completed a major project report on Improving groundwater sustainability and renewability using isotope hydrochemistry in NSW for the Department of Planning and Environment (NSW) and National Water Grid earlier in the year.