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Showing 101 - 120 of 224 results

Radon - the new pollution watchdog

Atmospheric scientists have developed a new technique to measures the naturally-occurring radioactive gas radon for use in accurately categorising the degree of atmospheric mixing.

Little forest legacy site

Little forest legacy site

ANSTO is responsible for the Little Forest Legacy Site (LFLS) located within the ANSTO Buffer Zone boundary. This site, formerly known as the Little Forest Burial Ground (LFBG), was used by the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) during the 1960’s to dispose of waste containing low levels of radioactivity and beryllium oxide (non-radioactive) in a series of shallow trenches. There has been regular monitoring of the site since 1966 and the results have been reported in ANSTO’s environmental monitoring reports.


Project highlights

The Minerals consultancy group at ANSTO has expertise in chemical engineering, metallurgy, mineralogy, chemistry, geology, and radiation safety. We can support our client's project by providing process development services, technical review, and research.

Innovative cancer research

An ANSTO radiochemist has been awarded a scholarship to carry out research at the world-renowned Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Surfer Plot

Data Analysis

Below lists some useful programs for data reduction, search matching, analysis and structure visualisation of diffraction data.
