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Showing 101 - 120 of 384 results

Reconstructing the history of coastal erosion

Research makes it possible to assess if and how rocky coasts, which make up the majority of the world’s coasts including Australia and New Zealand, will respond to changes in marine conditions.

Staff Profile Image
Project Manager for Computing and Electronics
Dr Nick Hauser received his PhD in Physics from the University of Technology Sydney in 1994.
Jenolan caves

Reconstructing Australia’s fire history from cave stalagmites

Research is being undertaken through an Australian Research Council Discovery Project "Reconstructing Australia’s fire history from cave stalagmites", led by Professor Andy Baker at UNSW Sydney and Dr. Pauline Treble at ANSTO. The project aims to calibrate the fire-speleothem relationship and develop coupled fire and climate records for the last millennium in southwest Australia.

OPAL Reactor Core

What are radioisotopes?

Radioisotopes are widely used in medicine, industry, and scientific research. New applications for radioisotopes are constantly being developed.

Maple syrup tap process

An in-situ experiment on Maple saplings

The sap extracted from Sugar Maple trees, is used to produce maple syrup. There are many conflicting theories and an absence of experimental evidence, regarding the mechanisms involved in maple sap exudation.

Micro-Computed Tomography beamline (MCT)

Micro-Computed Tomography beamline (MCT)

With enhanced submicron spatial resolution, speed and contrast, the Micro-Computed Tomography beamline opens a window on the micron-scale 3D structure of a wide range of samples relevant to many areas of science including life sciences, materials engineering, anthropology, palaeontology and geology. MCT will be able to undertake high-speed and high-throughput studies, as well as provide a range of phase-contrast imaging modalities.

12,000 year temperature record

A new continuous record of temperature dating back 12,000 years provides an import resource in understanding current and future climate changes,

Graduate Profile - Robert Walwyn

With zero carbon emissions, green hydrogen is a promising fuel for many industries. PhD candidate Robert Walwyn, is researching new, advanced materials for safe and effective hydrogen gas storage.

Hackathon success continues

ANSTO-nandin hackathon teams have combined skills using science and business innovation in three successive events.

Highlights Cultural Heritage

Highlights - Cultural Heritage

Over the last decades, neutron, photon, and ion beams have been established as an innovative and attractive investigative approach to characterise cultural-heritage materials.

Infrared microspectroscopy

Infrared microspectroscopy

The Infrared Microspectroscopy beamline combines the high brilliance and collimation of the synchrotron beam through a Bruker V80v Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and into a Hyperion 3000 IR microscope to reach high signal-to-noise ratios at diffraction limited spatial resolutions between 3-8 μm.
