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Showing 61 - 80 of 182 results

ANSTO supports investigations into new area of COVID research

ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility has been providing high-quality deuterated lipids used in the construction of cell membrane models to support research that improves our understanding of how the virus interacts with elements of the cell membrane, a relatively new area of investigation.

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Dr Miles Apperley
Group Executive Nuclear Safety, Security and Stewardship

In June 2022 Miles was appointed to a new role of Group Executive Nuclear Safety, Security and Stewardship with responsibility for all nuclear safety and security operations at ANSTO as well as coordination of al

Graduate Profile - Robert Raposio

A desire to give people around the world greater access to the benefits of nuclear medicine is behind Robert Raposio and his research into producing radioisotopes in more efficient, cheaper and sustainable ways.

Agriculture study

Radiocarbon study provides insight into soil carbon dynamics and effects of agriculture.

Innovative cancer research

An ANSTO radiochemist has been awarded a scholarship to carry out research at the world-renowned Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
