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Shorebirds Competition 2021

Shorebirds Competition 2021

ANSTO is proud to host the Shorebirds Competition for the fourth year. This unique environmental poster competition is free to enter and offers over $4000 in prizes (insert link to prizes button) for students and schools!


Online learning

Discover the amazing world of nuclear science from your classroom. Join us for Meet an Expert, Nuclear Science Inquiry Skills, Junior Science, and Online Depth Study sessions for Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science.

Bianca Shepherd
Engineering Support Workshop Manager - ANSTO

Bianca Shepherd is ANSTO’s Engineering Support Workshop Manager, confidently overseeing the manufacture and fabrication of equipment and specialised parts for critical Australian scientific and landmark infrastructure.

Novel idea of recycling CO2 in mining earns scientist win in Falling Walls Lab

Dr Jessica Hamilton, a beamline scientist at the Australian Synchrotron, has won the Falling Walls Lab competition hosted by the Australian Academy of Science for her 3 minute presentation on a novel approach to using mining waste for carbon dioxide capture and a source of carbonate minerals. The event is held to deliver solutions to some of the most promising challenges of our time.

2020 Shorebirds Competition Summary and Results

Primary students across Australia were invited to create a public awareness poster for a threatened shorebird found in Australia for our 2020 Shorebirds Competition. In response to COVID-19, and the changes to children’s learning environments, we opened the competition early and also included categories for individual children to enter, as well as school children.


Australian access to overseas synchrotrons

The International Synchrotron Access Program (ISAP) is administered by the Australian Synchrotron and is designed to assist Australian-based synchrotron users to access overseas synchrotron related facilities.
