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europium coordination cage complex crystals

Australasian Crystallography School 2024

Mon 2 Sep at 9.00am - Fri 6 Sep at 1.30pm
$155 - $400 inc GST
800 Blackburn Rd
Clayton VIC 3168
Program Timetable

ANSTO Australian Synchrotron and the Society of Crystallographers of Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ) are pleased to announce the AustralasianCrystallography School 2024.

This school is intended for PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers wishing to develop their theoretical and practical skills in structure determination by X-ray crystallography. It is a basic to intermediate course rather than advanced.

The course will combine lectures by expert crystallographers with intensive hands-on computer-based practical sessions to provide a thorough introduction to the theory and practice of X-ray crystal structure determination.

The school will have combined crystallography lectures for two days, and separate chemical or protein crystallography courses for three days.

It is open to people from institutions within Australia and New Zealand; although selected participants from overseas may also be considered (numbers will be limited).

SCANZ student members may apply for consideration for Maslen scholarships.

The School will be held at the National Centre for Synchrotron Science at the Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne, Australia. ANSTO is the home of Australia’s most significant landmark and national infrastructure for research.

NCSS Building



protein crystal structure


Principles of X-ray Diffraction

Maths for Crystallography

Reciprocal Space and Bragg’s Law

Radiation Sources

Structure Factors and Electron Density


Crystallography theory

Data collection

Data reduction



Twinning and Model validation

Hands on tutorials will also be run.


The Committee would like to thank the event sponsors for their generous support of this event.
Sponsor logos
Registration Arrow


Students will be required to pay the registration fee of $340 inc GST (AUD) which will include:

  • All lectures and practical sessions
  • Meals (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea)
  • Workshop Dinner (location TBC), welcome BBQ, pizza tutorial (1 night) 


Lecture only and single day registrations are also available. 

* Registration fee does not include the cost of travel to and from the Australian Synchrotron.  Registrants requiring accommodation (extra cost) will have the option to share a twin room (2 x single beds with ensuite) with others attending that are known to them, or they can be provided a single room (1 x Queen bed).  Any non-Australian citizens will require a valid entry visa. (Visa invitation letters can only be issued to successful applicants).


Organizing Committee:

Organising committee members, Begona Heras, Stephanie Gras and Stephen Moggach
School Lecturers:

Protein Crystallography Stream

Photos of all protein crystallography lecturers

Chemical Crystallography Stream

Chemical crystallography lecturers



For more information