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Showing 461 - 480 of 733 results

ANSTO welcomes $13.9M critical minerals funding

Rare earth elements will be a key area of focus for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s Minerals unit as it welcomes a $13.9 million funding allocation under the Australian Critical Minerals Research and Development Hub

ANSTO joins international counterparts in peaceful nuclear monitoring

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) has joined a team, lead by the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), to install a high resolution monitoring system at ANSTO’s medical isotope production facility in Lucas Heights, Australia.


Online learning

Discover the amazing world of nuclear science from your classroom. Join us for Meet an Expert, Nuclear Science Inquiry Skills, Junior Science, and Online Depth Study sessions for Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science.

Debashish Mazumder_Acquatic ecosystems

Aquatic ecosystems

Research on the impacts of land-use, contamination, water management and climate variability on aquatic ecosystems..

Eliza Hamilton
ANSTO Graduate

Eliza is currently taking part in the ANSTO graduate program, in which she will complete her four six-month rotations in different research areas. Eliza has worked in Radiopharmaceutical Development, Minerals, and Environment so far.
