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Showing 341 - 360 of 733 results

IAEA appointment

ANSTO Head of Research Dr Suzanne Hollins has been appointed to chair IAEA group on nuclear applications.

Eureka finalist

Two ANSTO scientists were part of a research team led by the University of Wollongong, who are finalists for the 2019 NSW Environment, Energy and Science (DPIE) Eureka Prize for Environmental Research.

STAR accelerator

Aerosol Sampling Program

ANSTO plays a leading role in measuring and characterising fine particles from a range of locations around Australia and internationally.

Andrew Peele
Group Executive Nuclear Science and Technology

Andrew Peele was appointed Group Executive for ANSTO Nuclear Science and Technology in July 2021 and was Director of the Australian Synchrotron from 2013 -2021. He is an adjunct Professor of Physics at La Trobe University.

Study of polar ice confirms carbon-climate feedback

Investigators have verified and quantified the relationship between the Earth’s land biosphere and changes in temperature and provided evidence that temperature impacts the cycling of carbon between land, ocean and the atmosphere.

water contaminated by copper ore

Impact of Contaminants

Understanding the impact that contaminants on the environment within the Resources sector is essential to implement successful management strategies.
