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procurement ansto

Procurement Policy

ANSTO will utilise a competitive, transparent, accountable and ethical process to derive the best value for money in terms of the quantity, quality, price, availability and best fit for ANSTO having regard to social, corporate and environmental issues.

ANSTO has detailed procurement policies and procedures that comply with Commonwealth Procurement Rules.  For full details on ANSTO's procurement strategy, policies and procedures or regarding any of the following key areas, please directly contact the Sourcing & Procurement Team.

Overall guidelines

Ethics, Accountability and Transparency.

Procurement strategy and thresholds

ANSTO's procurement strategy is to deliver value for money by reducing cost, improving compliance, simplifying processes and reducing risks.

Types of procurement

ANSTO's category of purchases falls into five categories including scientific equipment and supplies, business services, people and resources, technology infrastructure and property. Refer to Austender for current open tender programs.


ANSTO uses a variety of e-commerce facilities where it can support its purchases. 

Ordering and payment process

Purchase orders, invoicing, payment methods and payment terms.

Becoming a supplier to ANSTO

ANSTO will evaluate potential new suppliers in consideration of our overall procurement guidelines and value for money, which is central to ANSTO’s procurement strategy. 

Tender process

ANSTO uses a range of methods to procure products and services including competitive tenders and both open and limited tender invitations.

Procurement process

Identifying requirements, determining processes, procurement, approval and contract stages. 

Procurement complaints process

ANSTO Procurement Complaints management Process details ANSTO’s procedures for making complaints regarding the tendering process. In the first instant Please contact Procurement if you have concerns with the management of a procurement process.

If the issue remains unresolved and has prevented you from submitting a competitive tender response, please register a formal complaint to our Quality team, by completing the attached Procurement Complaints Form and emailing 

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the compliant receiving officer who will provide you with information on the proposed review process.

Effective sourcing

To achieve the best outcome ANSTO adopts a number of processes and steps, from project scoping through to contract. The ANSTO project manager works alongside the procurement team and consults with the relevant stakeholders across ANSTO. 

Insurance and risk

Suppliers are required to have the appropriate levels of insurance. 

Negotiations and contract stage

Awarding of contracts and ANSTO's standard terms and conditions. 

ANSTO’s purchasing terms

ANSTO utilise a number of contract templates suitable for goods and services, consultancy services and constructions work. Contact Procurement for further details.

Download ANSTO’s standard terms used for the Purchase of Minor Goods and Services.

Contact details

Contact the ANSTO procurement team via

Ask us a question

For further information on ANSTO's procurement processes, please contact the team.