Teacher Professional Development Courses
Teaching nuclear physics: Applications of radiation and fission
This free course aims to build teacher understanding of radioactivity, radiation safety and fission and their applications in everyday life.
We will also explore new ways to teach Senior Physics students about radioactivity and fission using models and analogies, ICT, real-world data and Working Scientifically skills.
You can choose to join us online during two after-school webinars over two weeks, or a one-day in-person event at ANSTO Lucas Heights.
Radiation basics and radiation safety
Teachers will learn about:
- Ionising radiation emitted from unstable nuclei
- Half-life and its significance in nuclear medicine design, nuclear waste management, radiometric dating and radiation safety
- Simple analogies to understand activity, absorbed dose, equivalent dose and effective dose
- Technologies to monitor radiation and dose
- Radiation safety, including dose limits, principles of time, distance and shielding, and exposure routes
- The targeted use of radiation in nuclear medicines to diagnose and treat disease
Real-world benefits and responsibilities of fission
Teachers will learn about:
- The process of and the requirements for fission
- Related concepts, including fissile and fertile material, criticality and enrichment
- Use of fission in power reactors, research reactors, nuclear submarines and atomic weapons
- Controlling fission using control rods, moderators and coolant
- Safety principles and environmental monitoring of nuclear reactors
- Managing long-lived waste from nuclear reactors
Teachers will see the OPAL multi-purpose reactor and radioactive waste storage facilities at ANSTO.
Teaching nuclear science in the classroom
ANSTO education officers will model teaching activities, including the “Radionuclides in medicine data set”, to help students understand the concepts of nuclear stability, binding energy, half-life and fission. Participants will collaborate to discuss and reflect on how they can use or adapt these teaching activities with their students.
Join the Teaching nuclear physics: Applications of radiation and fission event
Online in March 2025* |
Part 1: Wednesday 12 March, 7:00pm-9.30pm** |
Part 2: Wednesday 19 March, 7:00pm-9:30pm** |
Our courses are accredited PD with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) and represent 5 hours of PD.
Teachers from other states and territories will receive a certificate of completion for their own PD portfolios.
For enquiries, please call the ANSTO Discovery Centre on (02) 9717 3090 or email education@ansto.gov.au.
* Webinar links will be sent closer to the date of the event.
**Please note that the times listed for the sessions are Sydney time. Don't forget to join the webinar at the correct time for your local zone.
Data Science for Year 7-10
Are you ready for Data Science in the new 7-10 Science Syllabus?
ANSTO has been recognised by NESA as a reputable source for datasets. This 1-hour online session explores dataset resources you might include in your programming for the new syllabus in 2026.
The session specifically focuses on two of our datasets; Groundwater Science for Stage 4, and Historic Concentration of Greenhouse Gases for Stage 5. We investigate how you can build student confidence and capabilities in data analysis using current science research.
We discuss the background information presented in the data set and its links to the new 7-10 Science syllabus, and give you further insight into the collection of the data. We also take you step-by-step through the use of the data and the construction of the graphs using MS Excel.
New dates for Data Science for Year 7-10 events are coming soon.
You can access recorded sessions below.
NESA accreditation
Completing Teaching nuclear science in Stage 5: Isotopes, radioactivity and nuclear medicines or Teaching nuclear physics: Applications of radiation and fission (in person or live virtual) will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptors 2.1.2 & 2.6.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Teaching Stage 5 Science: Isotopes, radioactivity and nuclear medicines
This free course aims to build teacher understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with the production of nuclear medicines. We will also model new ways to teach Year 9 and 10 students about isotopes and radioactivity using ICT, real data and science inquiry skills.
You can choose to join us online during three after-school webinars over three weeks, or a one-day in-person event at ANSTO Lucas Heights.
Part 1: Understanding nuclear medicines
Teachers will hear from experts and scientists about:
- Current nuclear medicines: Properties and uses
- Emerging technologies in nuclear medicine
- Managing nuclear waste safely
- Ideas for teaching nuclear medicines in the classroom
Part 2: Tour of ANSTO
Teachers will participate in a tour of ANSTO's scientific facilities and learn how they are used to make nuclear medicines and manage waste from this process.
Part 3: Teaching about isotopes and radioactivity
ANSTO education officers will model teaching activities from the "Investigating Isotopes" data set that help students understand the chemical concepts of isotopes, atomic number, atomic mass, radioactivity and half-life. Participants will collaborate online to discuss and reflect on how they can use or adapt these teaching activities with their students.
Dates for 2025 Teaching Stage 5 Science event TBC
ANSTO Education team
Contact the Education team at ANSTO's discovery centre for any questions relating to tours, learning resources or nuclear science.