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Visitors to ANSTO

Community FAQs

Frequently asked questions about ANSTO for the community.

Opal reactor

OPAL 2024 Shutdown

ANSTO's OPAL reactor is one of the world's most advanced and reliable research reactors today. To ensure we can continue operating OPAL safely and reliably and maximise utilisation, ANSTO must regularly carry out maintenance and upgrades.


How safe is OPAL?

The OPAL research reactor's design and integrated safety features mean it is extremely safe; a fact confirmed by independent analysis.

OPAL reactor back online after planned long shutdown

ANSTO’s OPAL multi-purpose research reactor at Lucas Heights has officially returned to power and recommenced operations, following a months-long planned shutdown to carry out essential maintenance and upgrades.


Our History

In April 15, 1953, Australia entered the nuclear science arena, when the Atomic Energy Act came into effect. The Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) followed and in 1987 the AAEC evolved into the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) as it’s known today.

TPD teachers development

Teacher Professional Development Courses

ANSTO is an experienced provider of Teacher Professional Development for Australian and International teachers and our courses cover a wide range of topics. Hear from expert speakers, receive new education resources, and develop lessons for your own class.

Smoke pollution

Highlights - Aerosol Sampling

ANSTO has been tracking and publishing data on fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia, and internationally, for more than 20 years.  


Online learning

Discover the amazing world of nuclear science from your classroom. Join us for Meet an Expert, Nuclear Science Inquiry Skills, Junior Science, and Online Depth Study sessions for Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science.

Health products customer update archive


See details of previously published customer updates from our Health products team. 

Graduate Institute

The Graduate Institute is part of ANSTO’s Innovation Precinct and links all graduates together to create a network of Australia’s brightest young minds focused on the future.

Nuclear facts

Nuclear facts

Nuclear science is applied by ANSTO's scientists in many areas that are vital to Australia's future, including agriculture, industry and manufacturing, minerals construction, health and environment. Our work in the development and applications and new knowledge and skills arises from world-class experience in nuclear science and technologies.
