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It's ANSTO's role to keep Australia across the very latest developments in nuclear science and technology from around the world. Part of this responsibility is keeping us abreast of the latest developments in nuclear power technologies.
With over 70 years of nuclear expertise, ANSTO offers expert education and training programs
Radioisotopes are widely used in medicine, industry, and scientific research. New applications for radioisotopes are constantly being developed.
This week women in science from 16 countries came together like never before. Inspiring women, young and old, were the first to complete the W4NSEC (Women for Nuclear Science Education and Communication) program that is designed to support women who are wanting to improve their education and communication skills in nuclear science.
In 2023 we’re celebrating the 70th Anniversary since Australia began developing our nation’s Australia’s nuclear capabilities.
The installation of a cold neutron source (CNS), a component that reduces the energy and speed of the neutrons from a research reactor for use in scientific instruments, was successfully completed in September 2024.
Planning is now underway for a second repatriation project which is scheduled to take place in 2022. Find out more information.
ANSTO has played a formative role and continues to make important contributions using nuclear and isotopic techniques to understand past climates and patterns of change, maintain water resource sustainability and provide insights into the impact of contaminate in the environment.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Australia’s Open Pool Australian Lightwater (OPAL) reactor is a state-of-the-art 20 megawatt multi-purpose reactor that uses low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel to achieve a range of activities to benefit human health, enable research to support a more sustainable environment and provide innovative solutions for industry.
ANSTO Publications Online is a digital repository for publications authored by ANSTO staff and collaborators since 1956.
In accordance with the Trust Deed, the United Uranium Scholarship is awarded to ‘promising young scientists’ from any Australian organisation or institution whose research or work is in the field of nuclear energy.
In collaboration with the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and the French International Space Agency (CNES), ANSTO scientists are undertaking research on the radiobiological effects of secondary particles that are created when radiation interacts with the shielding on the International Space Station.
Insights into the formation of deep river canyons mountain ranges in intra-tectonic plate areas by SAAFE Scholarship recipient and collaborators.
ANSTO is a highly regulated organisation. Our governance system and processes provide critical guidance to effectively manage ANSTO’s activities.
This section outlines the processes and systems that are in place to provide assurance to Government, our stakeholders and the
community that we are working within our regulated and mandated requirements.