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Hutch B


Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.

OPAL Reactor Core

What are radioisotopes?

Radioisotopes are widely used in medicine, industry, and scientific research. New applications for radioisotopes are constantly being developed.

Smoke pollution

Highlights - Aerosol Sampling

ANSTO has been tracking and publishing data on fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia, and internationally, for more than 20 years.  

Rochelle Gadd Profile Photo
Training and Education Coordinator

Rochelle is a skilled professional with a Bachelor of Medical Science and is an accredited health physics surveyor.

Samples - Infrared microspectroscopy

Samples - Infrared microspectroscopy

The Infrared microspectroscopy microscopes can record spectra from a range of different samples; from thin microtomed sections to polished blocks and embedded particles. This section highlights the types of samples that can be analysed using the IRM beamline

Archive of publications 2017 and prior


Archive of ANSTO research publications, seminars and short talks.

Energy Materials

Energy Materials

Creating a global energy system that is both environmentally and economically sustainable is unquestionably one of the largest challenges facing the scientific and engineering communities.

Feathery moa’s fossilised footprints, ancient age revealed

ANSTO scientist, Dr Klaus Wilcken of the Centre for Accelerator Science, used cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine the ages of layered sand and gravel samples, in which seven footprints of the flightless bird, the moa, were found on the South Island in New Zealand in 2019.

Elements banner

Elements in the 21st Century

Do you love science? Here is a competition for you that combines chemistry and creativity! Discover the world of elements and create a poster for your favourite element in this new competition for school aged students.

Health products customer update archive


See details of previously published customer updates from our Health products team. 

Opal reactor

OPAL 2024 Shutdown

ANSTO's OPAL reactor is one of the world's most advanced and reliable research reactors today. To ensure we can continue operating OPAL safely and reliably and maximise utilisation, ANSTO must regularly carry out maintenance and upgrades.

BioSAXS in tunnel

Biological small angle X-ray scattering beamline (BioSAXS)

The Biological Small Angle X-ray Scattering beamline will be optimised for measuring small angle scattering of surfactants, nanoparticles, polymers, lipids, proteins and other biological macromolecules in solution. BioSAXS combines combine a state-of-the-art high-flux small angle scattering beamline with specialised in-line protein purification and preparation techniques for high-throughput protein analysis.
