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With world-class experts in groundwater and major contributions in this area over two decades, ANSTO completed a major project report on Improving groundwater sustainability and renewability using isotope hydrochemistry in NSW for the Department of Planning and Environment (NSW) and National Water Grid earlier in the year.
Consultant appointed to consider a variety of financial, manufacture and import options.
Scientists from Monash, ANSTo and China have developed an ultra-thin membrane that could separate harmful ions from water or capture gases.
University of Melbourne researchers have investigated a method to produce magnetic nanoparticles in Australia for use in COVID-19 PCR tests.
Bushfires heat soil to extreme temperatures and this causes oxidation of chromium to a highly toxic and carcinogenic form.
The process by which plastic degrades in the ocean facilitates its entry into the natural carbon cycle efficiently as carbon dioxide.
The nuclear medicine community has welcomed the Australian Government’s decision to provide $30 million in funding to ANSTO for the design of a new nuclear medicine manufacturing facility.
ANSTO has been measuring and characterising fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia for more than 30 years. This data set provides records from 1998 to 2019 of the concentration of 12 elements present in fine airborne particulate matter from an air sampling station located in Mayfield in Newcastle, NSW.
Combustion reactions in vehicles, household woodfires and coal-fired power plants all result in fine particle air pollution in the air we breathe. ANSTO has been measuring and characterising fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia for more than 30 years. This data set provides records from 1998 to 2019 of the concentration of 12 elements present in fine airborne particulate matter from an air sampling station located in Mayfield in Newcastle, NSW.
Radioactive radon gas is a decay product of uranium and thorium, which are found naturally in rocks, soil and building materials. Radon is a significant component of background radiation and can accumulate in poorly ventilated indoor environments. In this data set, we investigated the effect of charging a balloon, which was then hung in an enclosed space, on its level of radioactivity.
Students will:
- Write a hypothesis, graph data, write a conclusion
- Use provided information to answer questions about radioactivity and radon
- Discuss experimental design, accuracy, validity and reliability