Services - Emu
Sample environments and Data analysis
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Sample environments and Data analysis
Applications and Publications
Specifications and User Manual
Cracking the code for crop nutrition and food quality with X-ray fluorescence microscopy.
Theinstrument is typically used to study diffusing water molecules or yet larger molecules like polymers or biological molecules. In addition, Emu can reveal quantum-mechanical tunnelling.
The Advanced Diffraction and Scattering beamlines (ADS-1 and ADS-2) are two independently operating, experimentally flexible beamlines that will use high-energy X-ray diffraction and imaging to characterise the structures of new materials and minerals.
Australia and Sri Lanka develop action plan to fight Chronic Kidney Disease killer
Explore the exciting finalist and runner up entries of previous year ANSTO hackathons!
Discussions were held on possible areas on cooperation including research reactor operation and utilisation, environmental monitoring of mining tails, and food provenance.
Monash University, University of Queensland and Australian National University researchers have used ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron in their study of meteorites found on Earth that could be used in future to find evidence of life on the planet Mars.