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Five exceptional female science communicators are part of a larger team who use skills in education and engagement to promote an interest in science amongst the public and students.
ANSTO has a variety of games and apps to educate students on how radiation works, nuclear medicine, the periodic table, and atom building.
ANSTO provides a range of learning resources for students interested in science or studying for a school project. ANSTO also provides educational school holiday workshops and in-school-term science tours.
Nuclear science is applied by ANSTO's scientists in many areas that are vital to Australia's future, including agriculture, industry and manufacturing, minerals construction, health and environment. Our work in the development and applications and new knowledge and skills arises from world-class experience in nuclear science and technologies.
Discover a plethora of Teacher Professional Development and Education Resources designed for both Australian and International teachers.
Discover the many career opportunities in the nuclear industry on a special behind the scenes tour of ANSTO.
Australia’s best known carnivorous dinosaur Australovenator is under the microscope at ANSTO
Today is World Environment Day, a United Nations initiative for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. This year’s theme is “Beat Air Pollution”, a call to action to combat this global crisis.
Connect with the businesses and organisations driving advanced manufacturing and supporting green technologies.
Book a date with the Discovery Centre for your class.
ANSTO recognises local Indigenous heritage in new mural
Are you a school student who likes a creative challenge? Enter our new Incredible Insects Competition during the month of July 2021! You could win yourself a prize pack worth over $100! School students from all States/ Territories of Australia are invited to enter.
ANSTO expert in molecular imaging contributed to international workshop.
Virtual activities celebrating the benefits of nuclear science and technology held for National Science Week
The ANSTO Innovation Series is a live and virtual meet-up that focuses on the key capacities of ANSTO’s people, partners and facilities and how they are meeting global challenges in sustainable industries, medicine, advanced manufacturing and in accelerating small business.
Do you love science? Here is a competition for you that combines chemistry and creativity! Discover the world of elements and create a poster for your favourite element in this new competition for school aged students.