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On behalf of ANSTO thank you for your interest in our tours. We hope your visit to ANSTO will be both enjoyable and informative.
ANSTO's Sydney locations are home to the Open Pool Australian Light-water (OPAL) multi-purpose reactor, the Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS), the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, the National Research Cyclotron and the National Deuteration Facility.
ANSTO provides eduroam services for partnering institutions in Australia and around the world.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Guide to successful proposals and experiments at the Powder Diffraction beamline.
The High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography beamline will enable the study of very small (sub-5 micrometre) or weakly diffracting crystals, providing a state-of-the-art high-throughput facility for researchers. MX3 will be able to study the structures of large proteins and protein complexes for virology, drug design and industrial applications via goniometer mounted crystals, in-tray screening, or via serial crystallography methods.
The Advanced Diffraction and Scattering beamlines (ADS-1 and ADS-2) are two independently operating, experimentally flexible beamlines that will use high-energy X-ray diffraction and imaging to characterise the structures of new materials and minerals.