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ANSTO Publications Online (APO)

ANSTO Library

ANSTO Publications Online is a digital repository for publications authored by ANSTO staff and collaborators since 1956.

Showcasing ANSTO's Innovative Technologies at Phoenix's Waste Management Symposia

ANSTO is taking its innovative ANSTO Synroc® and CORIS360® technologies to the world stage at the Waste Management Symposia 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona USA this week (10 – 14 March 2024). Joining over 45 other countries and around 3,000 attendees, an Australian Government contingent comprising of ANSTO and the Australian Radioactive Waste Agency is in attendance to showcase Australia’s extensive radioactive waste management capabilities.

Statement from ANSTO - Update

Three ANSTO staff members were involved in a chemical spill this morning when approx 250mL of sodium hydroxide was released from a pipe.

ANSTO welcomes $13.9M critical minerals funding

Rare earth elements will be a key area of focus for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s Minerals unit as it welcomes a $13.9 million funding allocation under the Australian Critical Minerals Research and Development Hub

ANSTO's Australian Synchrotron Goes Solar for a Greener Future

More than 3,200 solar panels have been installed across the rooftops of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s (ANSTO) Australian Synchrotron in Clayton, offsetting enough power to light up the whole MCG for more than five years.

WA outback proves no match for Aussie nuclear know-how

A dedicated team of radiation specialists from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) are behind the successful detection and rapid retrieval of a missing radioactive source in outback Western Australia.

OPAL reactor back online after planned long shutdown

ANSTO’s OPAL multi-purpose research reactor at Lucas Heights has officially returned to power and recommenced operations, following a months-long planned shutdown to carry out essential maintenance and upgrades.

Merit Access Terms and Conditions

Merit Access Terms and Conditions

By submitting a proposal for Merit Access to ANSTO’s Biosciences, Centre for Accelerator Science, Isotope Tracing, Nuclear Stewardship or the Vivarium capabilities, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to external merit researchers, scientific collaborators and partners unless there is a specific agreement in place between ANSTO and the home institution of the Principal Investigator.

Product photo of Gentech Generator and vials

ANSTO's Gentech® Generator

Supporting healthcare professionals in Australia with easy-to-access resources related to ANSTO’s Gentech® Generator.
