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The NSW Government will invest $12.5 million to support the expansion of the Innovation Precinct at the Lucas Heights campus of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).
NSTO’S major project to introduce eight new beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron has reached a milestone with the delivery of ‘first light’ to the new MEX-1 beamline.
Nuclear techniques will be crucial tools in the development of advanced materials that sustainably convert waste heat into useful forms of energy to benefit Australia.
ANSTO has almost seventy years of experience in advancing an understanding of the management of spent nuclear fuel and delivering safe and reliable forms for radioactive waste.
ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility has been providing high-quality deuterated lipids used in the construction of cell membrane models to support research that improves our understanding of how the virus interacts with elements of the cell membrane, a relatively new area of investigation.
Clarity Pharmaceuticals is building on comprehensive work on chelators carried out at ANSTO.
The Chair of ANSTO, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, AC SC, announced today that Mr Shaun Jenkinson has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of ANSTO following a global search for the position.
A new nuclear medicine waste processing facility that showcases ANSTO Synroc technology is under construction.
ANSTO will be participating in a new Industrial Transformation Training Centre established and funded by the Australia Research Council to advance the use of bioactive ingredients in Australia.
ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility has provided deuterated cholesterol for international research to gain a better understanding of how the Spike protein of the COVID virus, SARS-Co-V-2, infects human cells through a membrane fusion mechanism.
ANSTO, the home of Australia’s nuclear science expertise and the Powerhouse Museum, home of Australia’s excellence and innovation in the applied arts and sciences will collaborate on research projects, establish an Indigenous Cultural Research Scholarship and combine efforts on STEM outreach activities.
ANSTO is a partner on the National Space Qualification Network (NSQN) led by the Australian National University (ANU) that will transform Australia into a world-leading space centre by enhancing facilities to test payloads, components, and hardware prior to their use in harsh environments of space.
The first experimental evidence to validate a newly published universal law that provides insights into the complex energy states for liquids has been found using an advanced nuclear technique at ANSTO.
Australia’s knowledge centre for nuclear science and engineering, ANSTO, announced an exciting career opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
ANSTO environmental scientists have alerted the scientific community of the critical need to monitor changes to ice containing potential nuclear fallout that reached Antarctica from 20th century atmospheric weapons testing.
The celebration of the UN’s International Women’s Day 2023 has a theme that highlights the power of innovative IT to combat discrimination and the marginalisation of women globally.
Biochemical and structural studies to elucidate protein interactions of the new compounds and target molecules included X-ray diffraction at the Australian Synchrotron.
ANSTO’s Centre for Accelerator Science measures extra-terrestrial plutonium in a study to clarify the origin of the heavier elements
Innovative medical device Rhenium-SCT® therapy for non-melanoma skin cancer is now available in Australia
ANSTO is participating in a new Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures (CIEHF) to be headquartered at James Cook University (JCU) that aims to bring Indigenous and environmental histories to the forefront of land and sea management.