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Careers at ANSTO

ANSTO seeks candidates who are passionate about making a contribution to Australian society through supporting nuclear science and technology.

Kirrily Rule Taipan

Meet an expert

Choose from our list of research topics and let your students lead a 30 minute Q&A session with our ANSTO experts.

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Unique landmark instrumentation and expertise are a hallmark of ANSTO’s sovereign capability, unavailable anywhere else in Australia.  Our ability to identify the source of hazardous particulates in air, the age of water in aquifers and the detailed chemistry of toxic elements in complex soil and biota specimens are just some examples of ANSTO capability.

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Science Meets Business: Innovation series

The ANSTO Innovation Series is a live and virtual meet-up that focuses on the key capacities of ANSTO’s people, partners and facilities and how they are meeting global challenges in sustainable industries, medicine, advanced manufacturing and in accelerating small business.

2020 Shorebirds Competition Summary and Results

Primary students across Australia were invited to create a public awareness poster for a threatened shorebird found in Australia for our 2020 Shorebirds Competition. In response to COVID-19, and the changes to children’s learning environments, we opened the competition early and also included categories for individual children to enter, as well as school children.

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SAAFE Research Internship Program

The SAAFE Program supports early career researchers at PhD and Postdoctoral level to expand research and innovation activities within Human Health, the Environment and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages to support Australia, New Zealand and France research and innovation.
