Showing 1 - 20 of 204 results
Bushfires can generate hazardous chromium in soil
Bushfires heat soil to extreme temperatures and this causes oxidation of chromium to a highly toxic and carcinogenic form.
Role at ANSTO
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Australia's radioactivity measurement centre officially opened
In the push and pull of crowds, disordered proteins dance precariously
A collaboration of scientists from RMIT, ANSTO and the CSIRO has published pioneering research that brings new insights into intrinsically disordered proteins and protein regions (IDPs)/ (IDRs) and how they behave under various physiological processes.
Australia's nuclear credentials highly regarded internationally through ANSTO
Although Australia does not use nuclear energy for power needs, it does have the nuclear capabilities, knowledge, and expertise provided by ANSTO to ensure the national interest in nuclear matters is protected and advanced.
Sustained contribution ANSTO Award to Prof Henk Heijnis
Environmental scientist with a passion for fieldwork and a lifelong commitment to scientific excellence
Big Ideas Forum
Creative ideas are the spark for great innovations: this week students from across Australia got to share their ideas through ANSTO’s Big Ideas Forum.
Corporate Publications
Explore ANSTO's range of publications and reports available for the public.
Repatriation of Australian waste from France
Using the power of computing to analyse the structure of materials in extreme environments
ANSTO taking part in international coastal pollution studies
Queensland reef scientist wins new award for erosion research
Today Dr Jenine McCutcheon from the University of Queensland’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences has been recognised for her outstanding research with the Australian Synchrotron's Stephen Wilkins Medal.
Using nuclear techniques for coastal environments
IAEA Regional Training Course on coastal environments held at ANSTO for representatives from Asian Pacific.
Role at ANSTO
Dr Karina Meredith was appointed Director of the new Research and Technology Group for Environment effective 15 January 2024.
How to make a complaint about ANSTO
Unusual state of matter in new material holds promise for transformative quantum technologies
ANSTO has provided supporting experimental evidence of a highly unusual quantum state, a quantum spin liquid (QSL), in a two-dimensional material.
Meteorites from the red desert of Australia support search for life on the red planet Mars
Monash University, University of Queensland and Australian National University researchers have used ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron in their study of meteorites found on Earth that could be used in future to find evidence of life on the planet Mars.
Scholarship recipients announced
Four successful applicants announced for the 2018 AINSE-ANSTO-French Embassy Research Internship Program.