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(ANSTO) has welcomed the launch of the new National Science Statement and revitalised National Science and Research Priorities by Minister for Industry and Science, The Hon Ed Husic MP and Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM.
ANSTO announces the recipients of the 2022 organisational awards
The process by which plastic degrades in the ocean facilitates its entry into the natural carbon cycle efficiently as carbon dioxide.
ANSTO has contributed to research that indicated that Aboriginal people had a broad diet and intensive plant processing technologies, allowing them to respond to changes in climate, sea level and vegetation over the last ca. 65,000 years.
Groundwater experts from ANSTO and UNSW have led a collaboration of Australian and American researchers to analyse the composition of deep, very old groundwater and develop a new conceptual framework that describes the degradation of carbon over time in the subsurface.
At ANSTO we understand that diverse teams produce better outcomes – and we value the merit that a diverse perspective can bring to the quality and outcomes of our work, and the way we get the job done.
Modelling and experimentation - a powerful combination in probing mechanical properties of ion irradiated materials through nanoindentation.
A major study has identified urbanisation and climate change as future threats to drinking water quality.
ANSTO is a highly regulated organisation. Our governance system and processes provide critical guidance to effectively manage ANSTO’s activities.
This section outlines the processes and systems that are in place to provide assurance to Government, our stakeholders and the
community that we are working within our regulated and mandated requirements.
The Advanced Diffraction and Scattering beamlines (ADS-1 and ADS-2) are two independently operating, experimentally flexible beamlines that will use high-energy X-ray diffraction and imaging to characterise the structures of new materials and minerals.
ANSTO is coordinating and facilitating the calling of pre-concept papers for the next cycle of technical cooperative project proposals under the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific (RCA) | IAEA
Principal Research Scientist, Project Leader
Role at ANSTO
Creative ideas are the spark for great innovations: this week students from across Australia got to share their ideas through ANSTO’s Big Ideas Forum.
A new imaging technology developed at ANSTO makes it possible to image, identify and locate gamma-ray radiation in a safe and timely manner.
The role of trace elements as palaeoclimate proxies has been explored in ANSTO-led collaborative environmental research.