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Work Health and Safety

ANSTO operates Work Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems designed to ensure the safety of its employees, partners and members of the public to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.


The impact of boron on glass surface properties

Within the bulk structure of such glasses, boron is known to be a key actor, as it exhibits intriguing and composition-dependent changes in coordination state that often drive properties.

It's all about the interface with multi-use polymer brushes

The University of Newcastle and UNSW [GW1] are using advanced neutron scattering techniques at ANSTO to carry out research on the structure of polymers in complex salt environments that will ultimately provide a way to predict their behaviour for real-world applications.

Graduate Profile – Vienna Wong

PhD candidate Vienna Wong is using her FutureNow Scholarship to research ultra-high temperature ceramics, which are emerging materials for extreme environments.

Imaging and medical beamline

Imaging and medical

The Imaging and Medical beamline (IMBL) is a flagship beamline of the Australian Synchrotron built with considerable support from the NHMRC. It is one of only a few of its type, and delivers the world’s widest synchrotron x-ray ‘beam’.

IAEA appointment

ANSTO Head of Research Dr Suzanne Hollins has been appointed to chair IAEA group on nuclear applications.

Submissions to nuclear inquiries

ANSTO has made two public submissions to parliamentary inquiries with another to be submitted in February 2020 on matters relating to nuclear technologies, their peaceful applications, and the nuclear fuel cycle.
