Role at ANSTO
Dr Richard Mole is an instrument scientist co-responsible for the cold-neutron time-of-flight spectrometer PELICAN.
His expertise includes chemical physics, inorganic and materials chemistry, in particular the application of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy to the study of molecular magnetism.
Richard completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge in 2006, using neutron and muon techniques, in conjunction with bulk magnetometry, to study a range of molecule-based magnetic materials. Since 2006 Richard has worked at the FRM II Research Reactor in Munich, Germany, as co-responsible for the PUMA triple-axis spectrometer. As well as his duties as a local contact he also pursued research projects looking at the magnetic behaviour of a range of cobalt(II)-based magnetic materials.
Qualifications & achievements:
- PhD at the University of Cambridge studying molecular magnetism.
- BA and MSci from the University of Cambridge
- Post-doctoral position at the neutron source FRM II
- Presented work at major international conferences on neutron scattering and molecular magnetism.
- Received the BP, Cambridge Inorganic Chemistry award (2005)
- Appointed visiting fellow at UNSW@ADFA (2011)
- Appointed visiting fellow at UNSW Chemistry (Kensington) 2011-08-19